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CTH 450.1.1.4

Citatio: M. Kapełuś (ed.), CTH 450.1.1.4 (TX 16.02.2011, TRen 16.02.2011)

§ 1
1 -- When the twelfth day dawns
2 -- (and) the statue (is) still [i]n the ho[use],
3 -- they off[e]r to the statue one fattened ox and seven sheep:
4 -- one sheep to the Sun-goddess of the Earth, one sheep to the Sun-god of Heaven, two sheep to the Ancestors, two sheep (and) one fattened ox t[o] the soul of the deceased, they also offer one sheep to the Propitious Day.

Editio ultima: Textus 16.02.2011; Traductionis 16.02.2011